Many people have been asking "Where are your photos from Serbia" WelI just finally got though all my 15 rolls of film I shot in Serbia this past May. I scanned 100 images and edited that down to about 40 some. I couldn't fit everything on my site so here are the rest of the images. If you got on my site you will see more/ Hope you dig. There will probably be a few more down the line here as well. If you have any comments or questions feel free to ask.....
This past Friday night I when out to see my friend Lou's band the Differents at the Abbey Pub. They hadn't played a show in 5 years. I hadn't really photographed at a show in awhile, I'm glad a did this time because I made probably one of my new favorite concert photographs(The first photograph of the set). I certainly hope the Differents do more shows, if you ever have a chance do yourself a favor and go and check them out. They play Rock n Roll that way its meant to be played! The next 4 photographs are from the show with my Leica M2 50mm lens, and Ilford Delta 3200 @ 1600