Friday, February 10, 2012


I've been working on this "Of The NIght" series slowly but steadily for over a year or so now. B&W night images are really interesting to me because of that glow from maybe one light source and multiple sources that creates a dramatic atmospheric feel. Hand holding exposures  @ 1/4 sec at f1.4 not an easy task, I do my best. I don't mind the sometimes soft feel in this series which adds to the whole image. In the case of this image here I don't mind the softness at all. Last summer I was at a backyard party with some friends of mine and we were just hanging out conversing having a few drinks.  It was a bit of an awkward night for me I didn't know many people. So later on in the night when the conversations died down I was just sitting back and observing. I'm always observing looking for that one moment that speaks to me. This image was one of those moments that I resonated with me. The guy sitting in from of the bonfire by himself just starring into that fire his face a glow sitting really awkwardly while you have this girl in the lower right hand side in engaged in conversation and the empty chair in the mid ground on the light side. All there elements work together to create this awkward dynamic tension....

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