Saturday, January 31, 2015

Its been a really long time...Here is what I'm up to..

I'm not sure if anyone is still really following me..If you're then your a trooper  You might have wondered what happened to this guy he just fell off the face of the blogging world. I have been photographing just not blogging at all over the past 2 years since I last posted something. I'm not sure why I stopped blogging really, maybe I didn't I think I had much to say or wasn't inspired to write about images and I'm not sure if going to do much moving forward I'll just see how it goes.. Since the beginning of 2015 I had got this little camera for christmas that I can put in my pocket and can take with me anywhere the Ricoh GR. I got inspired by the Japanese Photographer Daido Moriyama and his way of shooting and his images and wanted in try to incorporate a little of that shooting style into my work.. So I've embarked on a year long project that I know many have done in the past I have never so its new to me and is a challenge. Where I will make at least 1 image everyday for the whole year of 2015. I plan on make 1 blog post for each month with one image that represents one day of that given month..So for January there will be 31 images and so on.. So in the end its going to look like a visual diary for the year.. This is a big challenge to try to find at least 1 thing to photograph which sounds like oh yeah what's the big deal lots of people do it just snap endless amounts of pictures everyday.. I just have never operated like that ever so its an interesting challenege for me to see what I can come up with some days the pictures will probably be lame maybe others will be better.. maybe they will work better as a whole I don't know, but I'm interested to find out..

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