Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I just got 6 rolls of 35mm film developed which equates to 200+ images to go though edit and scan...Not an easy task, but a fun one actually. I think I edited it down to about 40 images which will probably go down a bit more after living with the images for awhile. This is one of the images which felt really good to me when I made it and I was hoping it would come out nicely and I feel it did...As written in the book 1984 by George Orwell "Big Brother is watching" and year after year day by day this is becoming more of an axiom. You see cameras every where you go these days city streets, train stops, grocery store, clubs, museums, banks....you name it, a camera is there most of the time recording every little movement. Since I've been taking the EL train in Chicago for the last 10 years or so to work I've seen many changes though the years.. 9/11 changed everything and since that day this heightened security has been pushed on people by the government to the point where it has just become a part of our everyday lives and sometimes it is probably invading into our personal lives...People are fighting for our personal freedoms everyday to how much success I'm not sure, but as long as someone is saying something is a good thing...Hopefully this photograph will help in the fight in some small little way...

1 comment:

jannx said...

Marko this is something that no one will discuss. It's a taboo. Strangely the people who "demand freedom" and "less government" are the ones who push back when this topic is raised. The conflicted logic is stunning.

You've lots of room to explore on this topic. It's one I've thought about. Now "you're on the job" I can defer to your analysis and move on to the next one on my list ;D

Good luck with this!
